Transparent orthodontics

One of the most discouraging reasons for the adult patients considering whether or not to undergo orthodontic treatment is the aesthetic factor: having to spend months or years in the company of brackets (the fixed appliance) for many people is a deterrent that leads them to avoid treating malocclusions that should not be underestimated instead.

In our practice, we use Invisalign® clear templates.

Thanks to thetransparent orthodontics it is possible to undergo orthodontic treatment and thus straighten teeth by improving the smile, chewing and speech without anyone noticing, through the Invisalign® clear removable masks.

These masks are tailored to the patient and are replaced approximately every 2 weeks. until the desired effect is achieved; clear orthodontics is the preferred solution for most patients because:

  • è inaudible
  • the masks are very convenient and you take them out to eat and to brush your teeth...
  • Yes avoid the classic annoying chafing That the stationary device may involve

Transparent orthodontics Can correct most malocclusions; the duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the situation to be treated, a criterion that allows treatments with Invisalign® masks to be divided into 3 categories:

  • Goalignment of the front teeth (duration 6/8 months)
  • Lite: medium complexity cases (duration 12/18 months)
  • Comprehensivecomplex cases (duration 24 months)

Each treatment also includes the Vivera retention mask set®, transparent masks to be worn only at night once the Invisalign treatment is finished to maintain the results obtained over time.

To find out what treatment you need, you need to undergo a visit in cui the orthodontist will assess the condition of the oral cavity and dentition in order to establish the most appropriate treatment plan for each specific case.

With Invisalign® treatment, instead of the traditional impression (the one made with a mold and bite paste), the iTero infrared intraoral scanner® by which the dental impression is made in a completely digital way.

This footprint mode has several advantages:

  • is very more precise Of the traditional footprint
  • does not involve the typical annoyances Of the impression (feeling of vomiting, bad taste of the dough, etc.).
  • greater hygiene
  • weather To take the dental impression extremely low

With specific software, moreover, the patient is able to visualize the movements of his or her teeth during treatment, thus being able to Have a clear idea of the end result even before you have started.

Dental1's practice is a Diamond Provider of Invisalign®

Invisalign® Diamond Provider is the highest level that can be assigned to an orthodontist dealing with Invisalign treatments.

To obtain the Diamond Provider status an orthodontist must have treated 280 to 399 Invisalign® patients per year.

Being a Diamond Provider gives our patients the certainty of the highest experience in Invisalign® treatment.

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