Guide to dental expense deduction in 2023

10 Oct 2023 | The study

Can I deduct dental expenses from my tax return?

Allowable dental expenses possono essere detratte nella misura del 19% dell’importo complessivo, ma c’è un’importante precisazione: queste diventano detraibili solo se superano una franchigia di 129,11 euro.

Let's say you incurred expenses of 1,000 euros; you can deduct 165.46 euros when you file your tax return.

What dental expenses can I deduct?

Le deductible items include:

  • follow-up visits
  • Routine dental care: for example, surgery for cavities or gum care
  • Special surgeries: such as extractions, implantology and prosthetics
  • Purchase of devices such as braces

What dental expenses can I NOT deduct?

Alcune spese, pur essendo legate all’ambito odontoiatrico, are not covered by the deductions. These include:

  • cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening
  • Services offered by non-dental professionals. for example, dental hygiene sessions.

How to pay for dental visits so they can be deducted?

In order to qualify for deductions, charges must be made through traceable payment methods. These include credit card, debit, wire transfer, check and digital solutions.

If you are wondering how to submit these expenses on your return, you need to:

  • keep all invoices related to performance
  • make sure the invoices are made out to you, your spouse, dependent children Or other cohabiting family members.
  • presentare queste fatture al tuo CAF o al tuo consulente fiscale, che si occuperà dell’inserimento.

Can I pay the dentist in cash?

Attualmente è possibile Pay for dental services in cash up to a limit of 5,000 euros. Tuttavia, tale modalità non ti consentirà di beneficiare Of tax deductions.

Detract dental visits at our practice

In our dental office we accept all forms of traceable payment, garantendoti così la possibilità di deduct the expenses incurred (when deductible)!

[Medical Director: Dr. Mauro Savio, Member of the Dentists Register Provincial Order of Surgeons and Dentists of Milan n. 4168].

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